Bethsaida in Fausset's Bible Dictionary
("house of fish".) A city of Galilee, W. of and close to the
sea of Tiberias, in the land of Gennesareth (Mark 6:45-53;
John 6:16-17; John 1:44; John 12:21). Andrew, Peter, and
Philip belonged to it, Near Capernaum and Chorazin (Matthew
11:21; Luke 10:13). When Jesus fed the 5,000 on the N.E. of
the lake, they entered into a boat to cross to Bethsaida
(Mark 6:45), while John says" they went over the sea toward
Capernaum." Being driven out of their course, Jesus came to
them walking on the sea; they landed in Gennesaret and went
to Capernaum; so that Bethsaida must have been near
In Luke 9:10-17 another Bethsaida, at the scene of
feeding the 5,000, is mentioned (though the Curetonian
Syriac and later Sinaitic omit it), which must have been
therefore N.E. of the lake; the same as Julias, called from
the emperor's daughter Julia. The miracle was wrought in a
lonely "desert place," on a rising ground at the back of the
town, covered with much "green grass" (Mark 6:39). In Mark
8:10-22 a Bethsaida on the E. side of the lake in Gaulonitis
(now Jaulan) is alluded to; for Jesus passed by ship from
Dalmanutha on the W. side "to the other side," i.e. to the
E. side. Thus, Caesarea Philippi is mentioned presently
after, Bethsaida being on the road to it; and the mount of
the transfiguration, part of the Hermon range, above the
source of the Jordan (Mark 9:2-3); the snow of Hermon
suggested the image, "His raiment became white as snow."
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