Beth Shemesh in Naves Topical Bible

1. A priestly city of the tribe of Dan Jos 21:16; 1Sa 6:15; 1Ch 6:59 On the northern border of territory of the tribe of Judah Jos 15:10; 1Sa 6:9,12 In later times transferred to the tribe of Judah 2Ki 14:11 Mentioned in Solomon's commission districts 1Ki 4:9 Amaziah taken prisoner at 2Ki 14:11-13; 2Ch 25:21-23 Retaken by the Philistines 2Ch 28:18 Called BETH-SHMESH Jos 19:41 -2. A city near Jerusalem Jos 19:22 -3. A fortified city of the territory of the tribe of Naphtali Jos 19:38; Jud 1:33 -4. An idolatrous temple Jer 43:13

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