Benaiah in Naves Topical Bible

1. Son of Jehoiada, commander of the Cherethites and Pelethites 2Sa 8:18; 1Ki 1:38 A distinguished warrior 2Sa 23:20-23; 1Ch 11:22-25; 27:5,6 Loyal to Solomon 1Ki 1:2; 4:4 -2. An Ephraimite, and distinguished warrior 2Sa 23:30; 1Ch 11:31; 27:14 -3. A Levitical musician 1Ch 15:18,20; 16:5 -4. A priest 1Ch 15:24; 16:6 -5. Son of Jeiel 2Ch 20:14 -6. A Levite in time of Hezekiah 2Ch 31:13 -7. A chief of the Simeonites 1Ch 4:36 -8. Father of Pelatiah Eze 11:1,13 -9. Son of Parosh Ezr 10:25 -10. Son of Pahath-moab Ezr 10:30 -11. Son of Bani Ezr 10:35 -12. Son of Nebo Ezr 10:43

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