Baruch in Easton's Bible Dictionary
blessed. (1.) The secretary of the prophet Jeremiah (32:12;
36:4). He was of the tribe of Judah (51:59). To him
dictated his prophecies regarding the invasion of
Babylonians and the Captivity. These he read to the
people from
a window in the temple in the fourth year of the
reign of
Jehoiakim, king of Judah (Jer. 36). He afterwards
read them
before the counsellors of the king at a private
interview; and
then to the king himself, who, after hearing a part
of the roll,
cut it with a penknife, and threw it into the fire
of his winter
parlour, where he was sitting.
During the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, he
was the
keeper of the deed of purchase Jeremiah had made of
territory of Hanameel (Jer. 32:12). Being accused by
his enemies
of favouring the Chaldeans, he was cast, with
Jeremiah, into
prison, where he remained till the capture of
Jerusalem (B.C.
586). He probably died in Babylon.
(2.) Neh. 3:20; 10:6; 11:5.
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