Baanah in Smiths Bible Dictionary

1. Son of Rimmon, a Benjamite, who with his brother Rechab murdered Ishbosheth For this they were killed by David; and their mutilated bodies hung up over the pool at Hebron. 2Sa 4:2,5,6,9 (B.C. 1046.) 2. A Netophathite, father of Heleb or Heled, one of David's mighty men. 2Sa 23:29; 1Ch 11:30 (B.C. before 1066.) 3. Accurately Baana, son of Hushai, Solomon's commissariat officer in Asher. 1Ki 4:16 (B.C. 1012.) 4. Aman who accompanied Zerubbabel on his return from the captivity. Ezr 2:2; Ne 7:7 Possibly the same person is intended in Ne 10:27 (B.C. 536.)

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