Baal in Naves Topical Bible

1. An idol of the Phoenicians, god of the sun The Israelites wickedly worshiped in the time of the judges Jud 2:10-23; 1Sa 7:3,4 By the kingdom of Israel 2Ki 17:16; Jer 23:13; Ho 1; 2; 13:1 Under Ahab 1Ki 16:31-33; 18:18; 19:18 Under Jehoram 2Ki 3:2 By the Jews 2Ki 21:3; 2Ch 22:2-4; 24:7; 28:2; 33:3 Jeremiah expostulates against the worship of Jer 2:8,23; 7:9 Altars of, destroyed by Gideon Jud 6:25-32 Destroyed by Jehoiada 2Ki 11:18 Destroyed by Josiah 2Ki 23:4,5 Prophets of, slain by Elijah 1Ki 18:40 All worshipers of, destroyed by Jehu 2Ki 10:18-25 -2. A Benjamite 1Ch 8:30; 9:36 -3. A Reubenite 1Ch 5:5 -4. A city in the tribe of Simeon 1Ch 4:33 Called BAALATH-BEER Jos 19:8

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