Author of the Book of Daniel
Daniel was the author of this book according to Jewish
tradition, and this was confirmed by Jesus himself, but there
has been considerable criticism about the book of Daniel
because of the accuracy of the prophecies. Many claim that
these had to been written after the fact, and that Daniel
could not possibly have known so much detail about the future.
The first major critic of the genuineness of the book of
Daniel was Porphyry of Tyre, a Greek philosopher of the third
century AD who claimed that the book of Daniel had been
written by a person living in the second century BC during the
reign of Antiochus Epiphanes. His main reason for rejecting
the book of Daniel was centered around the person of Antiochus
Epiphanes, whom Daniel claimed was a prototype of the
Antichrist. Daniel's prophecies written a few hundred years
prior but were very very accurate in their detail. Many other
critics have tried to discredit the book of Daniel, but the
Bible and history have confirmed that Daniel was the author of
this book, and therefore was written at the time of the
Persian Empire (sixth century BC).
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