Augustine in Roman Biography
Au'gus-tiue, [Lat Aure'lius Augusti'nus ; Fr.
Augustin, o'gu» tax'; It. Augustino, 6w-goos-tee'no,]
Saint, the most illustrious Latin Father of the Church,
was born at' Tagasta, in Numidia, on the 13th of November,
354 a.d. He was instructed in religion by his
mother Monnica (or Monica,) who was a devout Christian.
He also studied Greek, rhetoric, and philosophy
at Madaura and Carthage. About the age of nineteen
he was captivated with the heresy of the Manichaeans, to
which he adhered for nine years. Having taught grammar
and rhetoric at Tagasta, Carthage, and Rome, he
was appointed professor of rhetoric and philosophy at
Milan in 384. Amidst a career of immorality into
which strong youthful passions had impelled him, he
was seriously impressed by the sermons of Saint Ambrose.
He experienced a decided conversion in 386,
after deep conflicts, which he has described in his "Conns,"
an autobiography. Soon after this event he
returned to Africa.
He was ordained a priest about 391 by Valerius,
Bishop of Hippo, whom he succeeded in 396. He distinguished
himself as the adversary of the Donatists at
the Council of Carthage in 401 a.d., and had a high
reputation as an eloquent preacher. About 418 he produced
two works against the Pelagians,
" On the Grace
of Christ," ("De Gratia Christi,") and' "On Original
Sin," ("De Peccato Originali.") His capital work, entitled
"On the City of God," ("De Civitate Dei,") was
intended to subvert the foundations of paganism and
establish those of Christianity, and to refute the opinion
that the capture of Rome by Alaric, and other calamities
of the empire, were caused by the prevalence of the
new religion. It was finished about 426. He wrote
many other works, among which are those " On Faith
and Works," ("De Fide et Operibus,") and "On the
Soul and its Origin," (" De Anima et ejus Origine.")
He died at Hippo, during the siege of that city by the
Vandals, on the 28th of August, 430 A.D. His habits
simple and temperate, rather than ascetic. The
best edition of his works is that published by the
at Paris, (ti'vols., 1679-1700.) "Of all the
Fathers of the Latin Church," says Villemain, "Saint
Augustine manifested the most imagination in theology,
the most eloquence, and even sensibility, in scholasticism.
... lie writes as well on music as on free will; he
explains the intellectual phenomena of memory as well
as he reasons on the decline of the Roman Empire.
His subtile and vigorous mind has often consumed on
mystical problems an amount of sagacity which would
have sufficed for the most sublime conceptions."
See "
Confessions of Saint Augustine ;" Possidius,
" Vie de Saintin;"
George Moringo, "Vie de Saint-Augustin," 1533;
\ ie de Saint-Augustin," 1657; Tillemont, "Me'moi'res
piques." (vol. xiii..) 1702; Rivtus, "Vita Sancti Augus-
1646 ; Poutoulat, "Vie de Saint-Augustin," 2d edition, 1852;
makn. "
Augustines Leben," 1844; Buti er, "Lives of the
Christliche Romische Theologie:" Villemain,
"Tableau de 1'Eloquence chre'tienne au quatricme Steele,"
•'Nouvelle Biographie Ge*nerale."
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