Asaph in Fausset's Bible Dictionary
1. A Levite, son of Berachiah; one of David's choir
leaders (1 Chronicles 6:39). An inspired seer, as well as a
composer of music (2 Chronicles 29:30; Nehemiah 12:46). "The
sons of Asaph" were poets and musical composers of the school
founded by him; as Heman and Jeduthun also were heads of
schools of sacred inspired music. 1 Chronicles 25:1; 2
Chronicles 20:14; Ezra 2:41; Psalm 50; 73; 83, are all
attributed to his authorship; but 83, celebrates the victory
of Jehoshaphat long after Asaph's time, therefore "Asaph" in
this psalm's title must mean "one of the school of Asaph."
2. 2 Kings 18:18; 2 Kings 18:37.
3. Nehemiah 2:8.
4. Nehemiah 11:17.
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