Areopagus in Fausset's Bible Dictionary
("Mars' Hill".) A rocky eminence in Athens, separated from
the W. of the Acropolis by a raised valley, above which it
rises sixty feet. Mythology made it the scene of the god
Mars' trim before the gods, at Poseidon's accusation, for
murdering the son of the latter, Halirrhotius. The most
venerable of all the Athenian courts, consisting of all
exarchons of blameless life. It was the Upper Council, to
distinguish it from the five hundred, who met in the valley
below. It met on the S.E. top of the rock. Sixteen stone
steps in the rock still exist, leading from below to Mars'
hill, and directly above is a bench of stones cut in the
rock facing S., and forming three sides of a quadrangle.
Here the judges sat, in criminal and religious cases, in the
open air.
The accuser and accused had two rude blocks, still
to be seen, one on the E., the other on the W. side,
assigned them. Paul, "daily disputing" in the market
(agora), which lay between the Areopagus, the Acropolis, the
Pnyx (the place of political assemblies), and the Museum,
attracted the notice of "certain philosophers of the
Epicureans and of the Stoics." They brought him up from
below, probably by the steps already described, and, seated
on the benches, heard from him the memorable address, so
happily adapted in its uncompromising faithfulness, as well
as scholarlike allusions, to the learned auditory, recorded
in Acts 17. Paul's intense earnestness strikingly contrasts
with their frivolous dilettantism.
With the temple of Mars near, the Parthenon of
Minerva facing him, and the sanctuary of the Eumenides just
below him, the beautiful temple of Theseus, the national
hero (still remaining) in view, what divine power he needed
to nerve him to declare, "God that made the world ...
dwelleth not in temples made with hands"; and again in the
midst of the exquisitely chiseled statues in front, crowning
the Acropolis, Minerva in bronze as the armed champion of
Athens, and on every side a succession of lesser images, to
reason, "Forasmuch as we are the offspring of God" (which he
confirms by quoting his fellow countryman Aratus' poem, 'We
are His offspring'), we ought not to think that the Godhead
is like gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art or man's
Yet he does not begin by attacking their national
worship, but draws them gently away from their ignorant
worship of the Deity under many idols to the one true God,
"Whom ye ignorantly worship, Him declare I unto you." In
opposition to the Greek boast of a distinct origin from that
of the barbarians; he says, "God hath made of one blood all
nations to dwell on all the face of the earth"; and ends
with announcing the coming judgment by the Lord Jesus.
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