Arachne in Wikipedia
In Greco-Roman mythology, Arachne (pronounced /əˈrækni/) was a
great mortal weaver who boasted that her skill was greater
than that of Minerva, the Latin parallel of Pallas Athena,
goddess of crafts. Arachne refused to acknowledge that her
knowledge came, in part at least, from the goddess. The
offended goddess set a contest between the two weavers.
According to Ovid,[1] the goddess was so envious of the
magnificent tapestry and the mortal weaver's success, and
perhaps offended by the girl's choice of subjects (the loves
and transgressions of the gods), that she destroyed the
tapestry and loom and slashed the girl's face. "Not even
Pallas nor blue-fevered Envy \ Could damn Arachne's work. \
The brown haired goddess Raged at the girl's success, struck
through her loom, Tore down the scenes of wayward joys in
heaven.″[2] Ultimately, the goddess turned Arachne into a
spider. Arachne simply means "spider" (ἀράχνη) in Greek...
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