Anedjib in Tour Egypt
Today, we lament the lack of information on some of Egypt's
earliest dynastic kings, but in reality, we are perhaps
lucky to have as much information as we do on these kings
who's lives were lived, and than past almost 5,000 years
ago. As excavations continue in Egypt, always providing us
with more and more evidence of these kings, though sometimes
raising more questions than answers, we will probably learn
even more about these kings.
We believe Anedjib (Andjyeb, Enezib), who seems to have been
from the area around Abydos known as This, and is recorded
as a Thinite king on the Saqqara King List from the tomb of
Thunery, was the 5th ruler of Egypt's 1st Dynasty. Anedjib
was this king's Horus name, which means "Safe is His Heart".
If he is to be identified with Manetho's Miebidos (Miebis,
Merpubia), then he may have ruled Egypt for about 26 years.
However, most Egyptologists seem to give him a somewhat
shorter reign, though he may have served as a co-regent with
his father, who was probably Den, for some time. In his A
History of Ancient Egypt, Nicolas Grimal tells us that
Anedjib did in fact celebrate a Sed-festival, though it
seemingly took place only shortly after the death of Den,
suggesting that he came to the throne as sole ruler of Egypt
only late in life. Vases discovered at Abydos in the area of
Umm el-Qa'ab record this jubilee, along with the addition to
his name, "protection surrounds Horus".
Anedjib was probably the first king to have a nebty (Two
Ladies) title and the news-bit (He of the sedge and bee)
name in his royal titulary, although the nesw-bit title
(without a name) had already been introduced in the reign of
Den. This title reunited the two divine antagonists of the
north and south in the person of the king. There were
apparently problems during Anedjib's rule, as well as that
of the next king, Semerkhet. It is very possible that the
long reign of Den was responsible for the succession
difficulties related to these two kings. It would seem that
he experienced considerable problems with Northern, or Lower
Egypt and apparently had to put down several revolts in that
region. His successor, Semerkhet, was probably responsible
for erasing Anedjib's name from a number of inscriptions on
stone vases and other objects. However, Semerkhet's name
was omitted from the Saqqara King List, so it is sometimes
thought that Semerkhet may have usurped the throne of Egypt
after Anedjib.
Anedjib built a tomb (Tomb X) at Abydos, but it is one of
the worst built and smallest of the Abydos royal tombs,
measuring a mere 16.4 x 9 meters (53 3.4 x 29 1/2 feet).
Interestingly, the burial chamber was constructed entirely
of wood, and there were 64 graves of retainers within the
area, also of low grade construction.
Another tomb which was apparently built during the reign of
Anedjib is that of an official named Nebitka (tomb 3038 at
Saqqara). This tomb is interesting in that it contained a
mudbrick stepped structure inside the Mastaba like
structure, that some Egyptologists see as a forerunner of
Djoser's Step Pyramid.
Other than his tomb at Abydos, Anedjib is also attested to
by seal impressions in tomb 3038 (the tomb of Nebetka) at
Saqqara, in a tomb at Helwan, and also in a tomb at Abu
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