Ammon in Naves Topical Bible
Descendants of Ben-ammi, one of the sons of Lot Ge 19:38. Character of Jud 10:6; 2Ki 23:13; 2Ch 20:25; Jer
27:3,9; Eze 25:3,6; Am 1:13; Zep 2:10. Territory of Nu 21:24; De 2:19; Jos 12:2; 13:10,25; Jud 11:13.
Israelites forbidden to disturb De 2:19,37. Excluded from the congregation of Israel De 23:3-6. Confederate
with Moabites and Amalekites against Israel Jud 3:12,13. Defeated by the Israelites Jud 10:7-18; 11:32,33;
12:1-3; 1Sa 11; 2Sa 8:12; 10; 11:1; 12:26-31; 17:27; 1Ch 18:11; 20:1-3; 2Ch 20; 26:7,8; 27:5. Conspire
against the Jews Ne 4:7,8. Solomon takes wives from 1Ki 11:1; 2Ch 12:13; Ne 13:26. Jews intermarry with Ezr
9:12; 10:10-44; Ne 13:23. Kings of Baalis Jer 40:14; 41:10. Kings of Hanun 2Sa 10; 1Ch 19. Kings of Nahash
1Sa 11; 2Sa 10:1,2; 1Ch 19:1,2. Idols of Milcom 2Ki 23:13. Idols of Molech See MOLECH. Prophecies concerning
Isa 11:14; Jer 9:25,26; 25:15-21; 27:1-11; 49:1-6; Eze 21:20,28-32; 25:1-11; Da 11:41; Am 1:13-15; Zep 2:8-
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