Amaziah in Smiths Bible Dictionary

(the strength of the Lord). 1. Son of Joash, and eighth king of Judah, reigned B.C. 837-809. He succeeded to the throne at the age of 25, on the murder of his father, and punished the murderers. In order to restore his kingdom to the greatness of Jehoshaphat's days, he made war on the Edomites, defeated them in the Valley of Salt, south of the Dead Sea, and took their capital, Selah or Petra, to which he gave the name of Jokteel, i.e. "God- subdued." Flushed with his success, he challenged Joash king of Israel to battle, but was completely defeated, and himself was taken prisoner and conveyed by Joash to Jerusalem, which opened its gates to the conqueror. Amaziah lived 15 years after the death of Joash; and in the 29th year of his reign was murdered by conspirators at Lachish, whither he had retired from Jerusalem for safety. 2Ch 25:27 2. A descendant of Simeon 1Ch 4:34 3. A Levite. 1Ch 6:45 4. Priest of the golden calf at Bethel who endeavored to drive the prophet Amos from Israel into Judah. Am 7:11,12,14

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