Agrippa in Roman Biography.

A-grip'pa, (Mar'cus Vipsa'nius,) a distinguished Roman commander and statesman, born 63 B.C. His family was obscure, but a friendship was early formed between him and Octavius, (afterwards Augustus Caesar,) and his fortunes became inseparably associated with those of the future emperor. To the skill and wisdom of Agrippa, Augustus owed much of his continued success ; especially his victory at Actium, which gave him the empire of the world. After the death of Marcellus, in 23 B.C., Agrippa married his widow, Julia, the daughter of the emperor, by whom he had three sons, two of whom were adopted by Augustus, (see Caius C/ESar,) and two daughters. He died 12 B.C., in the fifty-first year of his age. Agrippa and Maecenas were the chief ministers or advisers of Augustus, and the former was for some time regarded as his destined successor. See G C. Gebauer, "Dissertatio de M. V. Agrippa," 1717; P. Fhamiskn, "Marc. Vipsanius Agrippa: historische Untersuchung iiber dessen Leben und Wirken," 1836 ; Livy, " " Epitome ;" Tacitus, Annales"

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