Adoram in Wikipedia
(pronounced /ædəˈnaɪrəm/, rhyming with Hiram[1]) (1 Kings
4:6; 5:14; Hebrew, אדונירם, 'my Lord has exalted'; alternate
form Adoram, 'the Lord has exalted'[2]), the son of Abda, was
the tax collector In the United Kingdom of Israel for over
forty years, from the late years of King David's reign (2
Samuel 20:24) until the reign of Rehoboam. In the language of
the Tanakh, he was "over the tribute," i.e., the levy or
forced labor. He was stoned to death by the people of Israel
when Rehoboam sent him in an attempt to collect taxes (1 Kings
Adoniram appears in Masonic rituals. He was in charge of
conscripted timber cutters during the building of King
Solomon's temple. I Kings 5:13,14
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