ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, 13 in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE

XIII. Analysis. 1. The connection between the work of the apostles and that of Jesus (Acts 1:1-11). 2. The equipment of the early disciples for their task (Acts 1:12 through 2:47). (a) The disciples obeying Christ's parting command (Acts 1:12-44). (b) The place of Judas filled (Acts 1:15-26). (c) Miraculous manifestations of the presence of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-13). (d) Peter's interpretation of the situation (Acts 2:14-36). (e) The immediate effect of the sermon (Acts 2:37-41). (f) The new spirit in the Christian community (Acts 2:42- 47). 3. The development of the work in Jerusalem (Acts 3:1 through 8:1a). (a) An incident in the work of Peter and John with Peter's apologetic (Acts 3). (b) Opposition of the Sadducees aroused by the preaching of the resurrection of Jesus (Acts 4:1-31). (c) An internal difficulty, the problem of poverty (Acts 4:32 through 5:11). (d) Great progress of the cause in the city (Acts 5:12-16). (e) Renewed hostility of the Sadducees and Gamaliel's retort to the Pharisees (Acts 5:17-42). (f) A crisis in church life and the choice of the seven Hellenists (Acts 6:1-7). (g) Stephen's spiritual interpretation of Christianity stirs the antagonism of the Pharisees and leads to his violent death (Acts 6:8 through 8:1a). 4. The compulsory extension of the gospel to Judea, Samaria and the neighboring regions (Acts 8:1b-40). (a) The great persecution, with Saul as leader (Acts 8:1b- 4). (b) Philip's work as a notable example of the work of the scattered disciples (Acts 8:5-40). 5. The conversion of Saul changes the whole situation for Christianity (Acts 9:1-31). (a) Saul's mission to Damascus (Acts 9:1-3)...

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