Aceldama in Fausset's Bible Dictionary
"the field of blood." So called because it was bought with the price of blood,
according to Matthew 27:6-8; and because it was the scene of retribution in kind, the
blood which Judas caused to be shed being avenged by his own blood, according to Acts
1:19; Revelation 16:6. The purchase of the field was begun by Judas, and was completed
after Judas' death by the priests, who would not take the price of blood from Judas but
used the pieces of silver to pay for the field. He did not pay the money (Matthew
27:5), but had agreed to pay it, with a view of securing "a habitation" to himself and
his wife and children (Psalm 109:9; Psalm 69:25). Stung with remorse he brought again
the 30 pieces of silver, went to the field, hanged himself, and, the cord breaking, his
bowels gushed out. Thus there is no discrepancy between Matthew 27:8 and Acts 1:19.
Substantial unity amidst circumstantial variety is the strongest mark of truth; for it.
proves the absence of collusion in the writers. (Bengel.) Or probably Peter's words
(Acts 1:18) are in irony. All he purchased with the reward of iniquity...
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