Derbe in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE
dur'-be (Derbe, Acts 14:20,21; 16:1; Derbaios, 20:4;
Derbetes, Strabo, Cicero): A city in the extreme Southeast
corner of the Lycaonian plain is mentioned twice as having
been visited by Paul (on his first and second missionary
journeys respectively), and it may now be regarded as highly
probable that he passed through it on his third journey (to
the churches of Galatia). The view that these churches were
in South Galatia is now accepted by the majority of English
and American scholars, and a traveler passing through the
Cilician Gates to Southern Galatia must have traversed the
territory of Derbe.
1. History:
Derbe is first mentioned as the seat of Antipater, who
entertained Cicero, the Roman orator and governor of
Cilicia. When the kingdom of Amyntas passed, at his death in
25 BC, to the Romans, it was made into a province and called
Galatia (see GALATIA). This province included Laranda as
well as Derbe on the extreme. Southeast, and for a time
Laranda was the frontier city looking toward Cappadocia and
Cilicia and Syria via the Cilician Gates. But between 37 and
41 AD Laranda was transferred to the "protected" kingdom of
Antiochus, and Derbe became the frontier city. It was the
last city on distinctively Roman territory, on the road
leading from Southern Galatia to the East; it was here that
commerce entering the province had to pay the customs dues.
Strabo records this fact when he calls Derbe a limen or
"customs station." It owed its importance (and consequently
its visit from Paul on his first journey) to this fact, and
to its position on a great Roman road leading from Antioch,
the capital of Southern Galatia, to Iconium, Laranda,
Heracleia-Cybistra, and the Cilician Gates. Roman milestones
have been found along the line of this road, one at a point
15 miles Northwest of Derbe. It was one of those Lycaonian
cities honored with the title "Claudian" by the emperor
Claudius; its coins bear the legend "Claudio-Derbe." This
implied considerable importance and prosperity as well as
strong pro-Roman feeling; yet we do not find Derbe standing
aloof, like the Roman colonies Iconium and Lystra, from the
Common Council of Lycaonian cities (Koinon Lykaonias).
Derbe remained in the province Galatia till about 135 AD,
when it passed to the jurisdiction of the triple province
Cilicia-Isauria-Lycaonia. It continued in this division till
295 AD, and was then included in the newly formed province
Isauria. This arrangement lasted till about 372 AD, when
Lycaonia, including Derbe, was formed into a separate
province. The statement of Stephanus of Byzantium that Derbe
was "a fortress of Isauria" originated in the arrangement
which existed from 295 to 372 AD. Coins of the city
represent Heracles, Fortuna and a winged Victory writing on
a shield (after the pattern of the Venus of Melos, in the
Louvre, Paris). Derbe is mentioned several times in the
records of the church councils. A bishop, Daphnus of Derbe,
was present at the Council of Constantinople in 381.
2. Situation:
The site of Derbe was approximately fixed by the American
explorer Sterrett, and more accurately by Sir W. M. Ramsay,
who, after carefully examining all the ruins in the
neighborhood, placed it at Gudelisin. Up to 1911, certain
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