Asaph in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE
a'-saf ('acaph): Is the name of three men in the Old
Testament, of whom one is the reputed author of Psalms 50 and
73 through 83. He was one of David's three chief musicians,
the other two being Heman, and Ethan or Jeduthun, and we first
hear of him when the ark was taken to Jerusalem (1 Ch 15:16-
19). He conducted with cymbals the music performed in the tent
where the ark was housed (1 Ch 16:4,5,7,37), while his two
coadjutors discharged the same office at Gibeon (1 Ch
16:41,42). In 1 Ch 25:1 ff we are told that four of his sons
were appointed to conduct under him detachments of the great
chorus, the families of Heman and Jeduthun also furnishing
leaders, and all took part at the dedication of the temple (2
Ch 5:12). A., H., and J. were called the king's seers (1 Ch
25; 2 Ch 35:15), no doubt an official title of rank or
dignity. The "Sons of Asaph" are mentioned in later times.
They formed a guild, and played a prominent part at each
revival of the national religion.
James Millar
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