Alexander the Great in Tour Egypt
The Egyptians, oppressed under the Persian rule, welcomed Alexander the Great with open arms when he entered the country in 332 B.C. While
there he visited the Oracle of Amon, at Siwa, where he was declared "the son of Amon." Exactly how this happened is unclear. One story is
that either upon entering or exiting the temple he was greeted by the priest as "my son." Alexander's army and followers were not in a
strategic position to see the priest and thought the words came from the god himself. However it happened, from that point on Alexander was
instated as a son of god, like the pharaohs of old. Alexander initiated the building of Alexandria, but never lived to see the city. He left
Egypt in 331 B.C. and left Cleomenes of Naukratis in charge of the territory. This position was later claimed by Ptolemy. When Alexander
died, Ptolemy's generals divided the kingdom.
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