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What is the Sun?
     The Hebrews, according to the latest researches, gave the sun a name whose root means "to run," because it was, as they regarded it, the greatest heavenly wanderer. The Psalmist compares him to a bridegroom coming out of his chamber as a strong man to run a race. Ps 19:5. The worship of this luminary was one of the earliest forms of idolatry, and existed in all the nations around Palestine; it is therefore mentioned in all parts of the O.T. Manasseh introduced it in its purest form - as it existed among the Assyrians - into Judah. 2 Kgs 21:3, 2 Kgs 21:5. He and his successor, Anion, dedicated horses and chariots to the sun. and burned incense to it on the housetops. 2 Kgs 23:5, 2 Kgs 23:11. The worship the Israelites met with in Egypt at On, the Baal and Moloch worship in Palestine, were all derived from the sun-worship. SUN'DAY is of heathen origin (like our designations of the other days of the week), and means "the day of the sun," or "sacred to the god of the sun." It does not occur in the Bible, but is now in common use for the first day of the week, which has taken the place of the Jewish Sabbath, and should properly be called the Lord's Day, Rev 1:10, as the day of the resurrection of Christ. See Lord's Day and Sabbath.

Bibliography Information
Schaff, Philip, Dr. "Biblical Definition for 'sun' in Schaffs Bible Dictionary". - Schaff's

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