Schaff's Bible Dictionary

Definitions in Biblical History

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What is the Song of solomon?
     The book is entitled the "Song of Songs" - i.e., the most beautiful of songs - also, after the Latin, the "Canticles." It has always formed part of the canon, and has been held in the highest esteem. The Rabbins have a saying: "Proverbs are the outer court of Solomon's temple; Ecclesiastes, the holy place; Canticles, the holy of holies." There are many theories in regard to its authorship, its object, and its proper character. There are three principal interpretations, and each appears under different forms. 1. The Literal. - It was written by Solomon on the occasion of his marriage either with the daughter of Pharaoh or with a beautiful shepherd maiden. Its dialogues and monologues introduce these characters:a lover, Shelomoh (Solomon); a bride, the Shulamite (perhaps Abishag, the Shulamite); Solomon's Pools (After a Photograph.) and a chorus of virgins, daughters of Jerusalem. 1. The Typical. - It was written to set forth the Hebrew ideal of pure conjugal love, and throughout expresses typically the love of Christ for his Church. This interpretation commends itself by the fact that the O.T. frequently represents the union of Jehovah to his people as a marriage relation, and by the further fact that St. Paul speaks of husband and wife as reflecting the sacred union of Christ and his Church, which is his Bride. Eph 5:33. 2. The Allegorical. - It is in no sense historical. The persons and objects described are mere figures or names for spiritual persons and objects, which latter are alone contemplated by the inspired writer. The Song is thus a description of the love of Jehovah for Israel, or of Christ for his Church. This is the view advocated by Jewish and by the majority of orthodox Christian commentators. Thus interpreted, the book has held its place in the heart of Christendom. The general use of the Canticles has been prevented by their supposed indelicacies, but these can easily be explained and removed by a fuller understanding of Oriental customs and by a more correct translation. Our present Version needlessly increases their number, while prudery and custom find them where they are not. A revised translation and a healthier mind would entirely banish them. For instance, in Song 5:14 the reference is to the clothed, and not to the naked, body; for the "sapphires" are a figure of the dress of sapphire blue, or of the girdle of such gems which bound it, and in Am 5:15 the mention of legs is harmless. Dr. Kitto aptly reminds us that Oriental women keep their faces covered, but are "perfectly indifferent" to a display of their bosoms. Hence, as those parts habitually uncovered with us are free subjects of description, it is no shame for them to dwell upon the beauty of that part habitually uncovered with them.

Bibliography Information
Schaff, Philip, Dr. "Biblical Definition for 'song of solomon' in Schaffs Bible Dictionary". - Schaff's

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