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Who are the Philistines?
        The origin of the Philistines has been a matter of much discussion. That the Hebrews regarded the Philistines as a branch of the Caphtorim is clearly stated in Jer 47:4; Am 9:7; Deut 2:23. In the last text, "the Caphtorims which came forth out of Caphtor" are said to have destroyed "the Avim which dwelt in Hazerim " - i.e., in the villages - "even unto Azzah " (Gaza). These could certainly have been no other than the Philistines. The Hebrew words in Gen 10:14 which are translated "out of whom" - i.e., the Casluhim - "came Philistim" appear to mean, not that the Philistines were descended from the Casluhim, but that they came out of or passed through their country. The purport of the two passages seems therefore to be that the Philistines (or Caphtorim) who took possession of the Holy Land entered it on the south-west by way of the land of the Casluhim (Egypt), having, as is probable, come thither from Crete. But although the balance of authority places the Caphtorim in Crete, the evidence is by no means conclusive. The Vulgate in several places identifies them with the Cappadocians, and some modern critics identify them with the Cyprians. Baedeker (Handbook) says: "Their original home, the land of Caphtor or Kaftor (Kaft being the same word as Gypt in Egypt), must have been in the Delta of the Nile, and not in Crete, as was once supposed."

        It would seem that the Philistines who were settled in the land in the time of Abraham, whose capital was Gerar and whose king was called Abimelech, Gen 21:34; Gen 26:14, did not possess Gaza or either of the five Philistine cities that became powerful in later times. In Gen 10:19, Gaza is named as the frontier-town of the Canaanites in the direction of Gerar, and from Deut 2:23 it appears that the Avims held it till they were driven out by the Caphtorim. This seems to indicate a second immigration of Philistines, probably direct from Crete or Cyrus, that may have taken place but little before the time of Moses. Abraham found them in possession of the "south country," but they seem then to have treated with him as an equal in power. He made a treaty with their chief, Abimelech, at Beersheba, and this treaty was renewed in the days of Isaac. Gen 21:32-33; Gen 26:12-23.

        But at the Exodus the Philistines seem to have been such a mighty and warlike people that it was thought best for the Israelites to avoid their land, lest "the people repent when they see war, and they return to Egypt." Ex 13:17.

        Thenceforward, during the whole period of O.T. history, the Israelites and the Philistines were frequently brought in contact. The Philistines are mentioned three hundred and ten times in the O.T. from Genesis to Zechariah, but the limits of this article will allow of only the briefest outline of the leading events.

        The land of the Philistines was within the limits of the land promised to Israel, Num 34:5-6; Eze 13:17; Eze 23:31, and it was assigned to Judah and Dan, Josh 15:45-47; Josh 19:41-45, but no attempt to conquer it was made under Joshua's leadership. They had a league of their five chief towns, Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron, under the direction of the five lords or kings.

        After Joshua's death Gaza, Ashkelon, and Ekron were taken, Judg 1:18, but not permanently held, by Israel. The Philistines gained the ascendency and long held it, although occasionally shaken off for a brief period, as by Shamgar, Jud 3:31; Neh 10:7; and Samson. Judg 13-16. Even Samson, who broke up the subjection of forty years, did not succeed in permanently delivering his people from the Philistine yoke. Under Eli the Israelites again resisted, but were defeated at Aphek, 30,000 slain, and the ark captured. 1 Sam 4:1-11. Under Samuel's leadership success crowned the arms of Israel. 1 Sam 7:11-14. When Saul became king he continued the contest against the ancient foe, and Jonathan and his armor-bearer began the fight which terminated in the slaughter of the Philistines at Michmash. 1 Sam 13-14. David killed Goliath later, and the Philistines were pursued to the gates of Gath and Ekron with great slaughter (30,000 killed and 60,000 wounded, according to Josephus). 1 Sam 17.

        David, after inflicting many defeats upon the Philistines, sought refuge among them from the malignity of Saul. 1 Sam 19:8; 1 Sam 23:1-5; 1 Sam 27:1-7; 1 Sam 29; Ps 56, title. Saul and his sons were slain at Gilboa by the Philistines. 1 Sam 31; 1 Chr 10:1. When David became king the Philistines attacked him. He defeated them at Baal-perazim and Rephaim. During Solomon's reign the Philistines were subjects, 1 Kgs 2:39-40; 1 Kgs 4:21, 1 Kgs 4:24, and he fortified Gezer and some other border-towns. After the division of Israel the Philistines engaged in hostilities at various times with both kingdoms. 1 Kgs 16:15; 2 Chr 21:16-17. Jehoshaphat, Uzziah, and Hezekiah defeated them. 2 Chr 17:11; 2 Chr 26:6; 2 Kgs 18:8. As Philistia was on the great route between Egypt and Assyria, it was often involved in the great wars between those powers. Ashdod was taken by Sargon, king of Assyria, after a siege of three years, Isa 20:1, and to Sennacherib most of the towns became subject. Isa 36. Pharaoh took Gaza. Jer 47:1.

        Before the Jewish Captivity the kingdom of the Philistines had disappeared, and a few of their towns only retained some importance. Upon the return from captivity some of the Jews married Philistine women, "wives of Ashdod." Neh 13:23. After the time of Alexander the power of the Philistines was entirely gone. Later the country shared in the reverses and desolations of the Syrian and Egyptian, Maccabaean, and Jewish and Roman wars.

        Present Condition. - It is a remarkable fact that the principal towns of Philistia, Gaza, Ashkelon, Joppa, Ashdod, Lachish, and Gath, have never once disappeared from history, but exist at the present day under the names of Gazzeh, Askalun, Yafa, Esdud, Umm Lakis, and Beit Jibrin - that is, Beth - geborim, "the house of the giants." Many other of the modern names also preserve the memory of the old Philistine history and worship. Low mounds at intervals show the sites of former cities. Four and a half miles from Gaza a colossal marble statue has recently been discovered (1879). The total height of the figure is 15 feet. The hair hangs in long ringlets down upon the shoulders, and the beard is long, indicating a man of venerable age. The right arm is broken in half, while the left arm is crossed over the breast to the right shoulder, the hand being hidden by the drapery of a cloth covering the shoulders. There is no inscription on the figure or the pedestal, which is a huge block carved in one piece with the figure. The statue was found in a recumbent position, buried in the sand, on the top of a hill near the sea. It had evidently been removed from its original site, which is unknown. Its estimated weight is 12,000 pounds. Lieut. Conder thinks it is the statue of Marnas (the Cretan Jupiter), the god of Gaza, which once stood in the principal temple of Gaza, but which had been buried, perhaps at the time of the destruction of the temple, by Porphyrus, a.d. 406. See Palestine Exploration Fund's Quarterly Statement for January, 1880.

        The inhabitants are a race distinct from the rest of the inhabitants of Palestine, and it has been suggested that the fellakin, or peasantry, are of Canaanite origin, though no doubt a mixed race as now constituted.

        For the present condition of the land of the Philistines, see Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ekron, Gath, Gaza, Gerar, Gibbethon, Jabneel. Metheg-amma, Palestine.

Bibliography Information
Schaff, Philip, Dr. "Biblical Definition for 'philistines' in Schaffs Bible Dictionary". - Schaff's

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