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Who is Jupiter?
        , the highest and mightiest of the Olympian gods, reputed as the powerful ruler of the world, the father of gods and men, is twice mentioned in the N.T. 1. The incident at Lystra, Acts 14:12. When the Lystrians saw the impotent man instantly healed, they were disposed to regard the apostles as gods in the likeness of men; and as there was a tradition among them that their province was once visited by Jupiter and Mercury, they were inclined to regard this as a repetition of the favor. Acts 14:12. So they called Barnabas "Jupiter," and Paul, who was the chief speaker, "Mercury," the god of eloquence. The priest of Jupiter, the tutelar deity of the city, whose image or temple was before the gates, brought the usual sacrifices decked out for the altar, and would have joined the people in the religious worship of the apostles had they not been persuaded to desist by their solemn warnings. 2. The image of Diana at Ephesus was said to have fallen from Jupiter, Acts 19:35. See Diana.

Bibliography Information
Schaff, Philip, Dr. "Biblical Definition for 'jupiter' in Schaffs Bible Dictionary". - Schaff's

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