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Who is Jeroboam?
        (whose people is many). 1. The son of Nebat, is distinguished as "the man who made Israel to sin," and was the first king of the ten tribes, b.c. 975-964. He came of the tribe of Ephraim; and distinguishing himself, he was made by Solomon the superintendent of all the workmen furnished by his tribe. While thus employed the prophet Ahijah, by a symbolical act, informed him that the kingdom of Solomon was to be divided and he was to become the head of the ten tribes. What he did on receiving this information we know not; possibly he may have endeavored to hasten matters by raising the standard of revolt; but at any rate Solomon was alarmed, and took measures to apprehend Jeroboam, who fled to Egypt and remained there till Solomon's death. 1 Kgs 11:26-40. After Solomon's death the smouldering fires of discontent burst into a flame. Rehoboam, his successor, acted foolishly, returning an insulting answer to the people's mild demands. Accordingly, the ten tribes threw off the yoke and elected Jeroboam, who had returned, as the one best qualified to be their king. Thus was prophecy fulfilled. He fixed his residence at Shechem, which, with other cities, he fortified for the furtherance of his plans. Fearing that if the revolted tribes should go up to the solemn national feasts at Jerusalem they would be persuaded to return to their allegiance, and forgetting his obligations to God and his dependence on him, he caused two golden calves to be erected, one at Dan and the other at Bethel, the extremities of his dominions, and caused a proclamation to be made, requiring the worship of these idols. 1 Kgs 12:26-33. Jeroboam, having set up the idols, assembled the people at the latter place, to engage in the solemn worship of them; and to show his zeal for the service he officiated at the altar himself. But while he was thus occupied a prophet from the land of Judah appeared in the midst of the assembly, and in the hearing of all the people uttered a prediction that a man by the name of Josiah should arise and destroy that altar, and should burn upon it the bones of the priests; and to confirm his authority he gave this sign, that the altar should immediately be broken in pieces and the ashes upon it be poured out; and it was so. Jeroboam, greatly provoked by this bold interference, put forth his hand to seize the prophet; but in a moment it was stiffened, so that he could not draw it in. Intimidated by this miraculous judgment, and convinced that the man was indeed a prophet of the Lord, he begged that he would intercede for him that his arm might be restored, which was done accordingly. Jeroboam, however, was not reformed by this divine message and double miracle, but continued to cause Israel to sin in worshipping the calves which he had set up. His son was taken sick, and he instructed his wife to disguise herself and go to Ahijah, who was now blind with age, and consult with him as to the result of the disease. The prophet was forewarned of her approach; and as soon as he heard her footsteps he called her by name, and after recounting the sins of Jeroboam he predicted the disgrace and ruin and utter extirpation of his whole family, and also the captivity and dispersion of the people of Israel. He also told her that the child should die, and that the nation should mourn for him as the only individual of the house of their king who should come to a peaceful end, and also as one who in the midst of all the idolatry and wickedness of the times had some pious emotions, even in the house of Jeroboam. As she entered the door of her house the child died. 1 Kgs 14:17. Jeroboam reigned in Israel 22 years, and was succeeded by his son Nadab. During his life there were almost unceasing wars between him and the house of David. 1. The son of Joash, and the great grandson of Jehu, reigned 41 years, b.c. 825-784, and followed the former Jeroboam in his idolatrous worship. 2 Kgs 14:23-29. The Lord, however, by him, according to the predictions of the prophet Jonah, raised the kingdom of the ten tribes to its greatest splendor. All the countries on the east of the Jordan he reduced. "The full extent of ancient sovereignty was recovered, no king of the northern state having ever been so victorious as he." It appears from the writings of Hosea and Amos that idleness, effeminacy, pride, oppression, injustice, idolatry, and luxury greatly prevailed in his reign. Am 2:6-16; Jud 5:6. Nor was it long after his death before the Lord, according to the predictions of Amos, cut off his family with the sword. 2 Kgs 15:10; Hos 1:1, etc.

Bibliography Information
Schaff, Philip, Dr. "Biblical Definition for 'jeroboam' in Schaffs Bible Dictionary". - Schaff's

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