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What is the Book of Philippians?
        is the eleventh in the order of the books of the N.T., and was addressed by Paul to the Christians at Philippi, with whom he appears to have entertained particularly friendly relations. They had kindly ministered to his necessities by sending Epaphroditus to him with a present of money; and when Epaphroditus returned to Philippi, Paul acknowledged the kindness shown to him in grateful and affecting terms, and took occasion to warn the church in Philippi against certain Judaizing teachers. The second chapter contains one of the most important passages on the doctrine of the person of Christ and his states of humiliation and exaltation. The Epistle was probably written about 62, when Paul was a prisoner at Rome. About its genuineness there can be no reasonable doubt. The following is the analysis of the Epistle given by Dr. Braune in Lange's Commentary: I. Address and salutation. Phil 1:1-2. II. Situation and labors of the apostle at Rome. Phil 1:3-26. III. The Lord's example and pattern for the observance of the church. Phil 1:27-2:18. IV. Paul's assistants and colaborers. Phil 2:19-30. V. Warning against Judaistic false teachers and wicked deceivers, in contrast with the apostle. Phil 3:1-4:1. VI. Final exhortation to cooperation between himself and the Philippian church. Phil 4:2-20. VII. Salutation and benediction. Phil 4:21-23.

Bibliography Information
Schaff, Philip, Dr. "Biblical Definition for 'book of philippians' in Schaffs Bible Dictionary". - Schaff's

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