Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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ezekiel 47:16 Hamath, Berothah, Sibraim, which is between the border of Damascus and the border of Hamath; Hazer-hatticon, which is by the border of Hauran.

< Ezekiel 47:15
Ezekiel 47:17 >

      16. Hamath--As Israel was a separate people, so their land was a separate land. On no scene could the sacred history have been so well transacted as on it. On the east was the sandy desert. On the north and south, mountains. On the west, an inhospitable sea-shore. But it was not always to be a separate land. Between the parallel ranges of Lebanon is the long valley of El-Bekaa, leading to "the entering in of Hamath" on the Orontes, in the Syrian frontier. Roman roads, and the harbor made at Cæsarea, opened out doors through which the Gospel should go from it to all lands. So in the last days, when all shall flock to Jerusalem as the religious center of the world.
      Berothah--a city in Syria conquered by David (2Sa 8:8); meaning "wells."
      Hazar-hatticon--meaning "the middle village."
      Hauran--a tract in Syria, south of Damascus; Auranitis.


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