Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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ezekiel 47:13 Thus says the Lord God, "This [shall be] the boundary by which you shall divide the land for an inheritance among the twelve tribes of Israel; Joseph [shall have] two portions.

< Ezekiel 47:12
Ezekiel 47:14 >

      13. The redivision of the land: the boundaries. The latter are substantially the same as those given by Moses in Nu 34:1-29; they here begin with the north, but in Numbers they begin with the south (Nu 34:3). It is only Canaan proper, exclusive of the possession of the two and a half tribes beyond Jordan, that is here divided.
      Joseph . . . two portions--according to the original promise of Jacob (Ge 48:5, 22). Joseph's sons were given the birthright forfeited by Reuben, the first-born (1Ch 5:1). Therefore the former is here put first. His two sons having distinct portions make up the whole number twelve portions, as he had just before specified "twelve tribes of Israel"; for Levi had no separate inheritance, so that he is not reckoned in the twelve.


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