Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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ezekiel 31:3 'Behold, Assyria [was] a cedar in Lebanon With beautiful branches and forest shade, And very high; And its top was among the clouds.

< Ezekiel 31:2
Ezekiel 31:4 >

      3. He illustrates the pride and the consequent overthrow of the Assyrian, that Egypt may the better know what she must expect.
      cedar in Lebanon--often eighty feet high, and the diameter of the space covered by its boughs still greater: the symmetry perfect. Compare the similar image (Eze 17:3; Da 4:20-22).
      with a shadowing shroud--with an overshadowing thicket.
      top . . . among . . . thick boughs--rather [HENGSTENBERG], "among the clouds." But English Version agrees better with the Hebrew. The top, or topmost shoot, represents the king; the thick boughs, the large resources of the empire.


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