Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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ezekiel 28:21 "Son of man, set your face toward Sidon, prophesy against her,

< Ezekiel 28:20
Ezekiel 28:22 >

      21. Zidon--famous for its fishery (from a root, Zud, "to fish"); and afterwards for its wide extended commerce; its artistic elegance was proverbial. Founded by Canaan's first-born (Ge 10:15). Tyre was an offshoot from it, so that it was involved in the same overthrow by the Chaldeans as Tyre. It is mentioned separately, because its idolatry (Ashtaroth, Tammuz, or Adonis) infected Israel more than that of Tyre did (Eze 8:14; Jud 10:6; 1Ki 11:33). The notorious Jezebel was a daughter of the Zidonian king.


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Where in Scripture does it mention Prophecies about Sidon?

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