25. profane--as having desecrated by idolatry and perjury his office
as the Lord's anointed.
HAVERNICK translates, as in
Eze 21:14,
"slain," that is, not literally, but virtually; to Ezekiel's idealizing
view Zedekiah was the grand victim "pierced through" by God's sword of
judgment, as his sons were slain before his eyes, which were then put
out, and he was led a captive in chains to Babylon. English
Version is better: so GESENIUS
(2Ch 36:13;
Jer 52:2).
when iniquity shall have an end--
(Eze 21:29).
When thine iniquity, having reached its last stage of guilt, shall be
put an end to by judgment
(Eze 35:5).
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