Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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ezekiel 16:25 "You built yourself a high place at the top of every street, and made your beauty abominable; and you spread your legs to every passer-by to multiply your harlotry.

< Ezekiel 16:24
Ezekiel 16:26 >

      25. at every head of the way--in the most frequented places (Pr 9:14).
      thy beauty . . . abhorred, . . . opened . . . feet to every one--The wanton advances were all on Israel's part; the idolatrous nations yielded to her nothing in return. She had yielded so much that, like a worn-out prostitute, her tempters became weary of her. When the Church lowers her testimony for God to the carnal tastes of the world, with a view to conciliation, she loses everything and gains nothing.


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Where In Scripture Does It Talk About Licentious Practices At High Places?

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