Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
Bible History
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Genesis 35:16 Then they journeyed from Bethel; and when there was still some distance to go to Ephrath, Rachel began to give birth and she suffered severe labor.

< Genesis 35:15
Genesis 35:17 >

      Ge 35:16-27. BIRTH OF BENJAMIN--DEATH OF RACHEL, &c.

      16. And they journeyed from Beth-el--There can be no doubt that much enjoyment was experienced at Beth-el, and that in the religious observances solemnized, as well as in the vivid recollections of the glorious vision seen there, the affections of the patriarch were powerfully animated and that he left the place a better and more devoted servant of God. When the solemnities were over, Jacob, with his family, pursued a route directly southward, and they reached Ephrath, when they were plunged into mourning by the death of Rachel, who sank in childbirth, leaving a posthumous son [Ge 35:18]. A very affecting death, considering how ardently the mind of Rachel had been set on offspring (compare Ge 30:1).


Questions Related to this Verse

Where In Scripture Does It Talk About Rachel Dies And Is Buried At Bethlehem?

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Genesis 35 Images and Notes

Brief Summary: God sends Jacob to Bethel, Jacob builds an altar at Bethel, The Lord appears to Jacob at bethel, The Lord renews the promise that Jacob will be a great nation, Jacob's name shall be Israel, Jacob builds an altar and pours a drink offering, Rachel bears a last child- Benjamin and dies in childbirth, Rachel is buried near Bethlehem, Reuben lays with Bilhah, Isaac dies and is buried by Jacob and Esau.

1 God sends Jacob to Bethel
2 Jacob puts away the strange gods from his household
6 He builds an altar at Bethel
8 Deborah dies
9 God blesses Jacob at Bethel
16 Rachel travails with Benjamin, and dies in the way to Bethlehem
23 The sons of Jacob
27 Jacob comes to Isaac at Hebron
28 The age, death, and burial of Isaac.

Quick Reference Map
Quick Reference Map of the Jordan River
Map of the Jordan River (Click to Enlarge)

Ancient Customs
strange gods
change your garments
hid them under the oak
buried under an oak
name change
set up a pillar of stone
poured a drink offering
poured oil thereon
hard labour
set a pillar upon her grave

Ancient Topics
The terror of God
God Almighty

Ancient People
Jacob, Deborah, Rebekah, Rachael, Benjamin, Reuben, Bilhah, Isaac, Esau
Jacob's 12 sons

land of Canaan
The tower of Edar

The Old Testament

The Old Testament

Genesis Resources

Adam and Eve
The Flood
The Tower of Babel
Abraham the First Hebrew
Isaac, Son of Promise
Jacob and the 12 Tribes
Joseph and Egypt