Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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washing of the hands and feet Summary and Overview

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washing of the hands and feet in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

THE WASHING OF THE HANDS AND FEET was rendered necessary and refreshing by Oriental customs and climate. The hands should be scrupulously clean, inasmuch as all persons at table put their fingers into the same dish. The feet should be washed because the sandals afforded no protection against soil; and besides, the feet Washing the Hands. would be hot. The protest of Christ against the hand-washings of the Pharisees was directed against their characteristic elevation of it into a matter of religious observance. Mark 7:3. He and his disciples were exposed to unjust insinuations because they neglected the Pharisaic rules. Matt 15:2; Luke 11:38. The washing, by the host, of the feet of the guest was a significant attention, 1 Sam 25:41; Luke 7:38, Jer 48:44; John 13:5-14; but usually water was provided and the guests washed their own feet, or had them washed by servants. Gen 18:4; Jud 19:21.