Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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Naves Topical Bible Dictionary

vaniah Summary and Overview

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vaniah in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(Jehovah is praise), one of the sons of Bani, #Ezr 10:36| (B.C. 458.)

vaniah in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

VANI'AH (weak), a son of Bani; had married a foreign wife, but sent her away on the command of Ezra. Ezr 10:36. VASH'NI occurs in 1 Chr 6:28 as the name of the first-born of Samuel, while in 1 Sam 8:2 the name is Joel. As Vashni, with a very slight modification, would mean "and the second," it is probable that in 1 Chr 6:28 the name of Joel has dropped out.

vaniah in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

One of the sons of Bani. Put away his foreign wife (Ezra 10:36).