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transfiguration Summary and Overview

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transfiguration in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

TRANSFIGURATION , THE. This event marks the culminating-point in Christ's life. It is recorded almost in the same words by the three synoptists. Matt 17:1-13:Mark 9:2-13; Luke 9:28-36, but John characteristically omits all mention of it. The term denotes a change of aspect or appearance, not of substance or body. The change was seen in the face of the Redeemer and in his apparel. It was exceedingly majestic and glorious, and is particularly described by the evangelists and alluded to by Peter. 2 Pet 1:16-18. The design of this miraculous event was manifold, but chiefly to attest in the most solemn and mysterious manner the divinity of the Messiah's person and mission; to support the faith of the disciples by evidence of the existence of a separate state, which was furnished by the appearance and conversation of Moses and Elias:and as showing, by the audible declaration of the Father, a broad distinction between this Prophet and all others: "This is my beloved Son, hear ye him." The place of the Transfiguration was probably the southern slope of Hermon, as it occurred a few days after the confession of Peter at Caesarea Philippi, which lay at the foot of Mount Hermon. and on the eve of Christ's last journey to Jerusalem. Mount Tabor, the traditional site, does not answer the conditions. Its summit was then a fortified and occupied camp. The time of the event was most likely the night, as then it could be better seen; besides, the disciples were awakened by the light. Again, it was the next day before they descended. Luke 9:37. Peter, James, and John were the sole spectators; our Lord, Moses, and Elijah, the actors. It was partly an objective appearance, partly a spiritual vision.