Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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Naves Topical Bible Dictionary

tob-adonijah Summary and Overview

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tob-adonijah in Easton's Bible Dictionary

good is Jehovah, my Lord, a Levite sent out by Jehoshaphat to instruct the people of Judah in the law (2 Chr. 17:8).

tob-adonijah in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(Adonijah the good), one of the Levites sent by Jehoshaphat through the cities of Judah to teach the law to the people. #2Ch 17:8| (B.C. 910.)

tob-adonijah in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

TOB-ADONI'JAH (good is my Lord Jehovah), one of the Levites sent by Jehoshaphat to teach Judah the law of the Lord. 2 Chr 17:8.