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tel-melah Summary and Overview

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tel-melah in Easton's Bible Dictionary

hill of salt, a place in Babylon from which the Jews returned (id.).

tel-melah in Smith's Bible Dictionary


tel-melah in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

TEL-ME'LAH (salt hill), a place in Babylonia from which persons of doubtful pedigree returned. Ezr 2:59; Neh 7:61. Rawlinson would identify it with a city near the Persian Gulf, the Thelme of Ptolemy; Furst would place this also near to Tel-harsa, in Upper Mesopotamia.

tel-melah in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

Connected with Telharsa and Cherub (Chiripha, in Ptolemy). Thelme (Ptolemy 5:20) or "hill of salt," a city of the low salt district near the Persian gulf (Gesenins).