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sprinkling Summary and Overview

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sprinkling in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

SPRINKLING , BLOOD OF. Heb 12:24. The Jewish high priest, on the great day of atonement, carried blood into the inner sanctuary and sprinkled it upon the mercy-seat. It was by this sprinkling of blood that an "atonement" was made "for the holy place, because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel." Lev 16:16. The blood of sprinkling was typical of the atoning blood of Christ. When this has been applied to the soul of the believer, he may approach the presence of a holy God in the name of the great Advocate and Redeemer, confident of a gracious reception. The blood of Abel, alluded to in the above passage from Hebrews, called only for vengeance, Gen 4:10-11, but the blood of Christ speaks of pardon, peace, and eternal life.