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spain Summary and Overview

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spain in Easton's Bible Dictionary

Paul expresses his intention (Rom. 15:24, 28) to visit Spain. There is, however, no evidence that he ever carried it into effect, although some think that he probably did so between his first and second imprisonment. (See TARSHISH T0003588.)

spain in Smith's Bible Dictionary

1 Macc. 8:3; #Ro 15:24,28| The local designation, Tarshish, representing the Tartessus of the Greeks, probably prevailed until the fame of the Roman wars in that country reached the East, when it was superseded by its classical name. The mere intention of St. Paul to visit Spain (whether he really did visit it is a disputed question. --ED.) implies two interesting facts, viz., the establishment of a Christian community in that country, and that this was done by Hellenistic Jews resident there. The early introduction of Christianity into that country is attested by Irenaeus and Tertullian.

spain in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

SPAIN , a well-known country of Europe, though the name anciently included the whole peninsula now occupied by Spain and Portugal. The Hebrews, in the time of Solomon, were acquainted with the position and wealth of Spain. Paul desired to preach the gospel there. Rom 15:24-28. Whether he ever visited Spain is a question in dispute among scholars. Those who hold that Paul was twice imprisoned at Rome think that he visited Spain between his first and second imprisonments. Christianity was introduced into that country at a very early period, as Irenjeus and Tertullian testify. See Tarshish.

spain in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

Solomon's fleet visited Spain, then named Tarshish (the Greek "Tartessus"). In classic times the name "Spain" came into use, traceable to the Basque Ezpana, i.e. on the edge of Europe. The Iberian language (from whence the country derived one of its names and its river Iberus or Ebro was designated) was the original of the Basque. Romans 15:24; Romans 15:28, Paul's intention to visit Spain may imply that a Christian church was already founded there. As to the early introduction of Christianity, compare Irenaeus 1:3 and Tertullian, Adv. Judg., 7.