Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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Naves Topical Bible Dictionary

sons of god Summary and Overview

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sons of god in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

SONS OF GOD . Thus the angels are called in Job 1:6; Ruth 2:1; Job 38:7. But in the verse Gen 6:2 this designation is not allowable. The best interpretation is that it refers to the race of Seth, who intermarried with the race of Cain, the daughters of men accursed. SOOTH'SAYER was one who pretended to foretell future events. Dan 2:27. The original word comes from the verb to "divide," because the soothsayer dissected the entrails of animals for the purpose of telling from their appearance what would come to pass. The Philistines appear to have been notorious for their practice of this magic imposition. Isa 2:6. This was a common mode of divining among the Romans.