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shimron Summary and Overview

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shimron in Easton's Bible Dictionary

watch-post, an ancient city of the Canaanites; with its villages, allotted to Zebulun (Josh. 19:15); now probably Semunieh, on the northern edge of the plain of Esdraelon, 5 miles west of Nazareth.

shimron in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(watch-height). 1. A city of Zebulun. #Jos 11:1; 19:15| Its full appellation was perhaps Shimron-meron. 2. The fourth son of Issachar according to the lists of Genesis, #Ge 46:13| and Numbers, #Nu 26:24| and the head of the family of the Shimronites.

shimron in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

SHIM'RON (watch-post), an ancient city of Canaan, over which Jabin was king. Josh 11:1; 1 Kgs 19:15. The Shimron-meron of Josh 12:20 is probably the same with Shimron. It may be identified with the village es-Semiriyeh, about 5 miles from Acre, on the road to Tyre, where a solemn conference took place, a.d. 1277. The Pal. Memoirs suggest Semuieh???, a small village with three springs, at the edge of the Plain of Esdraelon, 5 miles west of Nazareth.