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scorpion Summary and Overview

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scorpion in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(Heb. 'akrab), a well known venomous insect of hot climates, shaped much like a lobster. It is usually not more than two or three inches long, but in tropical climates is sometimes six inches in length. The wilderness of Sinai is especially alluded to as being inhabited by scorpions at the time of the exodus, and to this day these animals are common in the same district, as well as in some parts of Israel. Scorpions are generally found in dry and in dark places, under stones and in ruins. They are carnivorous in the habits, and move along in a threatening attitude, with the tail elevated. The sting, which is situated at the end of the tail, has at its base a gland that secretes a poisonous fluid, which is discharged into the wound by two minute orifices at its extremity. In hot climates the sting often occasions much suffering, and sometimes alarming symptoms. The "scorpions" of #1Ki 12:1,14; 2Ch 10:11,14| have clearly no allusion whatever to the animal, but to some instrument of scourging --unless indeed the expression is a mere figure.

scorpion in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

SCOR'PION , a venomous creature allied to the spider, but resembling the lobster so much that the latter is called the sea-scorpion by the Arabs. Its shape and general appearance are seen in the cut. Its usual length is 1 or 2 inches, but in tropical climates it is sometimes found 6 or 8 inches in length, and its sting is attended with excruciating pain, Rev 9:3-6, terminating often in violent convulsions and death. The malignity of the venom is according to the size and complexion of the different species. Scorpions are found in all warm climates, and are abundant in Palestine, where eight species are known, and are especially common about Mount Sinai. Deut 8:15. They remain dormant during the cold season, but through the rest of the year swarm under stones and in all the crannies and crevices of walls and houses. Their food consists of beetles, locusts, and other insects. The sting is a curved claw at the end of the tail, and Scorpion this latter the animal, in running, carries over its back in a threatening attitude. Luke 11:12 seems to mean merely the bestowal of a dangerous and unwelcome gift rather than a good one, and may refer to the Greek proverb: "A scorpion instead of a perch." An instrument resembling a whip, but so formed with knots or small stones as that each blow should inflict a sharp stinging pain, is perhaps alluded to in 1 Kgs 12:11. See Scourge. "Maaleh-akrabbim," Josh 15:3; Jud 1:36, is literally "the ascent of scorpions," and derives its name from the multitude of scorpions which infest it.

scorpion in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

'akrab. Of the class Arachnida and order Pulmonaria. Common in the Sinai wilderness, typifying Satan and his malicious agents against the Lord's people (Deuteronomy 8:15; Ezekiel 2:6; Luke 10:19). Rolling itself together it might be mistaken for an egg (Luke 11:12). Found in dry dark places amidst ruins, in hot climates. Carnivorous, breathing like spiders by lung-sacs, moving with uplifted tail. The sting at the tail's end has at its base a gland which discharges poison into the wound from two openings. In Revelation 9:3; Revelation 9:10, "the scorpions of the earth" stand in Contrast to the "locusts" from hell, not earth. The "five months" are thought to refer to the 150 prophetical days, i.e. years, from A.D. 612, when Mahomet opened his mission, to 762, when the caliphate was moved to Bagdad. In 1 Kings 12:11 scorpions mean "scourges armed with iron points". The sting of the common scorpion is not very severe, except that of Buthus occitanus.