Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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picture in Smith's Bible Dictionary

In two of the three passages in which "picture" is used in the Authorized Version it denotes idolatrous representations, either independent images or more usually stones "portrayed," i.e. sculptured in low relief, or engraved and colored. #Eze 23:14| Layard, Nin. and Rob. ii. 306, 308. Moveable pictures, in the modern sense, were doubtless unknown to the Jews. The "pictures of silver" of #Pr 25:11| were probably well surfaces or cornices with carvings.

picture in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

PICT'URE . See Paint. PIECE OF GOLD- e.g., 2 Kgs 5:5 - should be "shekels of gold," as there was no coined money in Palestine before the Persian period.