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peleg Summary and Overview

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peleg in Easton's Bible Dictionary

division, one of the sons of Eber; so called because "in his days was the earth divided" (Gen. 10:25). Possibly he may have lived at the time of the dispersion from Babel. But more probably the reference is to the dispersion of the two races which sprang from Eber, the one spreading towards Mesopotamia and Syria, and the other southward into Arabia.

peleg in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(division, part), son of Eber and brother of Joktan. #Ge 10:25; 11:16| The only incident connected with his history is the statement that "in his days was the earth divided." an event embodied in the meaning of his name --"division." The reference is to a division of the family of Eber himself, the younger branch of which (the Joktanids) migrated into southern Arabia, while the elder remained in Mesopotamia.

peleg in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

PE'LEG (division), a son of Eber and brother of Joktan, in whose time - that is, in the age immediately succeeding the Deluge - the family of Eber was divided, the elder branch, which descended from Peleg, remaining in Mesopotamia, while the younger branch, descending from Joktan, emigrated to Southern Arabia. Gen 10:25; Num 11:16; 1 Chr 1:25.

peleg in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

("division".) Eber's son, Joktan's brother (Genesis 10:25; Genesis 11:16). "In his days the earth was divided." His name marks an epoch in the world's history: (1) God's intimation of His will that the earth was to be divided in an orderly distribution of the various families of mankind, which order the Hamitic Babel builders tried to contravene (Genesis 11:4), in order to concentrate their power; also the Hamite Canaanites in "spreading abroad" broke the bounds assigned by God, seizing the sacred possession of Shem where Jehovah was to be blessed as "the Lord God of Shem" (Genesis 9:26; Genesis 9:18-20). (2) The division of Eber's family; the younger branch, the Joktanids, migrating into S. Arabia the elder Peleg remaining in Mesopotamia.