Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
Bible History

Naves Topical Bible Dictionary

ozem Summary and Overview

Bible Dictionaries at a GlanceBible Dictionaries at a Glance

ozem in Easton's Bible Dictionary

strong. (1.) One of David's brothers; the sixth son of Jesse (1 Chr. 2:15). (2.) A son of Jerahmeel (1 Chr. 2:25).

ozem in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(power). 1. The sixth son of Jesse, the next eldest above David. #1Ch 2:15| (B.C. 1055.) 2. Son of Jerahmeel. #1Ch 2:25|

ozem in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

O'ZEM (strength). 1. The sixth son of Jesse. 1 Chr 2:15. 2. A son of Jerahmeel. 1 Chr 2:25.

ozem in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

1. 1 Chronicles 2:15. 2. 1 Chronicles 2:25.