Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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Naves Topical Bible Dictionary

orator Summary and Overview

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orator in Smith's Bible Dictionary

1. The Authorized Version rendering in #Isa 3:3| for what is literally "skillful in whisper or incantation." 2. The title applied to Tertullus, who appeared as the advocate of the Jewish accusers of St. Paul before Felix, #Ac 24:1|

orator in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

OR'ATOR or ADVOCATE because acquainted with Roman law. See Tertullus.

orator in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

(1) Isaiah 3:3, "the eloquent orator"; rather as Vulgate, "skilled in whispering," i.e. incantation (Psalm 58:5), lachash. (2) Tertullus, the Jewish accusers' advocate against Paul (Acts 24:1). Paul as a Roman citizen was tried with Roman judicial forms (Acts 25:9-10), the Roman lawyer pleading in Latin, as Norman French was formerly the language of law proceedings in England in Norman times.