Ark of the Covenant - Bible History Online
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nod in Easton's Bible Dictionary

exile; wandering; unrest, a name given to the country to which Cain fled (Gen.4:16). It lay on the east of Eden.

nod in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(flight), the land to which Cain fled after the murder of Abel. [CAIN]

nod in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

NOD (flight), the region eastward of Eden, to which Cain fled from the presence of Jehovah. Gen 4:14, Ex 17:16. The Chaldee interpreters apply the term to Cain, and not to a land: "He dwelt a fugitive in the land."

nod in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

("wandering".) E. of Eden. Cain's place of flight.