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nibshan Summary and Overview

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nibshan in Easton's Bible Dictionary

fertile; light soil, a city somewhere "in the wilderness" of Judah (Josh. 15:62), probably near Engedi.

nibshan in Smith's Bible Dictionary

(soft soil) one of the six cities of Judah, #Jos 15:62| which were in the district of the Midbar (Authorized Version "wilderness").

nibshan in Schaff's Bible Dictionary

NIB'SHAN (light, soft soil), one of the six cities in the "Midbar," or wilderness of Judah. Josh 15:62. It was apparently near En-gedi, on the western shore of the Dead Sea. Its site is unknown.

nibshan in Fausset's Bible Dictionary

One of the six cities of Judah in the midbar, "wilderness," the low district adjoining the Dead Sea.